Bonaire Reef
Reef Fish
Reef Creatures
Bonaire Reef
Reef Fish
Reef Creatures
Bonaire Reef
Small Black Frogfish
Needlefish Eats Fish Scraps
Gray Angelfish
Red Lionfish
Juvenile Batwing Coral Crab
Long-Eared Favorinus
Molly Miller
Common Octopus
Juvenile Sergeant Major and Yellow Jack
Green Moray
Sandiver with a Mouthful of Blue Tang
Juvenile Queen Triggerfish
Orange Spotted Nanuca
Stippled Clingfish
Juvenile Sergeant Majors
Juvenile Sergeant Major
Medusa Blenny
Golden Pearl
Juvenile Yellow Jack
Keeltail Needlefish
Kaleidoscope Frogs
Honeycomb Cowfish
Mini Car Wreck
Lynx Nudibranch
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp cleaning a Sand Diver
Hawksbill Turtle
Blackedge Triplefin and a Gaudy Clown Crab
Semiscaled Goby
Lynx Nudibranch
Spotted Moray
Horse-Eye Jacks
Horse-Eye Jacks at Baka Di Laman
Mushroom Scorpionfish
Ringed Blenny
Gray Triggerfish
Hawksbill Turtle
Chanel B455
Gray Triggerfish
Longsnout Seahorse
Mottled Shore Crab
Yellowline Flabellina
Caribbean Two-Spot Octopus
Shortnose Batfish
Trigger Fireworks
Juvenile Gray Triggerfish
Longlure Frogfish
Eye Catcher
Juvenile Orangespotted Filefish
Juvenile Unicorn Filefish
Juvenile Yellowmouth Grouper
Ringed Blenny
Shortnose Batfish
Longsnout Seahorse
Juvenile Atlantic Tripletail
Red Longsnout Seahorse
Lined Seahorse
Lined Seahorse
Christmas Tree Hydroid Nudibranch
Southern Stingray
Stareye Hermit Crab
Christmas Tree Hydroid Nudibranch
Green Sea Turtle
Black Margate
Lined Seahorse
Gray Angelfish
Hermit Crab with a small Seahare
Slender Filefish
Lined Seahorse
Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle
Hawksbill Turtle
Rusty Goby
Seaweed Blenny
Juvenile Filefish
Atlantic Longarm Octopus
Longsnout Seahorse
Yellownose Goby
Longlure Frogfish
Redlip Blenny
Intermediate Queen Angelfish
Spotted Eagle Ray
Slender Filefish
Caribbean Reef Octopus
Flower Garden Yellow Snapping Shrimp
Longlure Frogfish
Vibrant Reef Angel
Redlip Blenny
Goldspot Goby
Frogfish Pair Silhouette
Longlure Frogfish Pair
Spinyhead Blenny
Longsnout Seahorse
Peppermint Goby
Blackedge Triplefin
Turtle Struggling with Fish Remains
Striated Seahare
Brotula Cleaning a Spotted Moray
Spotted Eagle Ray
Brown Grass Shrimp
Southern Stingray
Sailfin Blenny
Yellow Green Razorfish
Queen Trigger Bokeh
Intermediate Queen Angelfish
Juvenile Pipehorse
Longsnout Seahorse
Longlure Frogfish
Lettuce Sea Slug
Christmas Tree Worm with a Glass Blenny
Juvenile Caribbean Reef Squid
Great Barracuda
Longlure Frogfish
Atlantic Longarm Octopus
Doto wildei
Ringed Blenny
Gray Angelfish
Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Longsnout Seahorse
Southern Stingray with Palometas
Southern Stingray
Common Octopus
Brown Chromis with a Cleaning Goby
Redeye Sponge Crab
Yellownose Gobies
Longlure Frogfish
Intermediate Queen Triggerfish
Soldierfish in a heart-shaped Vase Sponge
Slender Filefish
Sharptail Eel
Striated Frogfish
Gray Triggerfish
Longsnout Seahorse
Viper Moray Eel
Southern Stingray
Longsnout Seahorse Pair
Longsnout Seahorse
Mysid Shrimp
Longsnout Seahorse
Striated Frogfish
Smiling Armina
Striated Frogfish
Cerberilla potiguara
Clear Cleaner Shrimp
Ringed Blenny Pair
Basket Star Shrimp
Longsnout Seahorse
Little Goby on a Blue Towel
Yellowline Arrow Crab Molting
Green Sea Turtle
Pygmy Goby
Banded Butterflyfish
Dark Mantis
Juvenile Jackknife Fish
Longlure Frogfish
Chessboard Blenny
Juvenile Queen Triggerfish
Spotted Moray with a Scarlet-Striped Cleaner Shrimp
Spotted Snake Eel
Ringed Blenny
Sailfin Blenny
Common Octopus
Twoclaw Shrimp
Flounders Spawning
Flabellina engeli
Leech Headshield Slugs
Yellowline Goby
Coney Golden Variation
Yellownose Goby
Queen Angelfish
Hogfish in Chains
Southern Stingray
Oyster Blenny
Purple MOUTH Moray
Longlure Frogfish
Longhorn Blenny
Ringed Blenny
Peppermint Shrimp
Purple-Spotted Sea Goddesses
Reef Scorpionfish
Longlure Frogfish
Flying Gurnard
Juvenile Bermuda Chub
Juvenile Bicolor Damselfish
Diver underneath a Catamaran
Harlequin Glass Slug
Longlure Frogfish
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp
Yellowface Pikeblenny Displaying
Caribbean Reef Octopus
Intermediate Queen Angelfish
Mangrove Roots
Green Sea Turtle
Wire Coral at the Cliff
Southern Smoothead Glass Blenny
Southern Smoothead Glass Blenny
Longsnout Seahorse
Longsnout Seahorse
Pelicans on a fisherman's boat at Lac Bay
Pearl Blenny
Longlure Frogfish
Tessellated Blenny
Mad Spinyhead Blenny
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This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain
All photographs captured on Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean.